Assault Lily Wiki

A Garden (ガーデン?) is a training facility that Lilies are eligible to enroll and attend in the Assault Lily Bouquet anime, Assault Lily novel and Assault Lily toyline. In addition to being a training facility, it functions as a high school and offers high school education. Most Lilies train in preparation for entering combat, but there are some who are members of the Arsenal Division, where they learn to develop CHARMs.

Each garden has its own characteristics. For example, Yurigaoka Girls Academy, the primary setting of the Assault Lily franchise, has the "Schutzengel System" as a core part of their identity, but not all Gardens implement this system.[1]

List of Gardens[]



West Japan[]

  • Ambrosia Institute for Girls (アンブロシア女学苑高等學校, Anburoshia Jogakuen Kōtōgakukau?)
  • Kuramayama Girls High School of Environmental Science (鞍馬山環境女子高等学校, Kuramayama Kankyō Joshikō-tō Gakkō?)
  • Fukuoka Tenjin Girls School (福岡天神女子, Fukuoka Tenjin Joshi?)
  • Rokuyaon Girls High School (私立鹿野苑高等女学園, Rokuyaon Koto Jogakuen?)

East Japan[]

  • Kaiseizan Girls High School (甲斐聖山女子高等学校, Kaiseizan Joshikō-tō Gakkō?)
  • Nakaoogushi Girls Academy (那賀大串女学園, Nakaoogushi Jogakuen?)
  • Nasu Girls High School (那須女子高等学校, Nasu Joshikō-tōGakkō?)
  • Makuhari Girls High School of Science and Technology (幕張科学技術女子高等学校, Makuhari Kagaku Gijutsu Joshikō-tō Gakkō?)
  • Ryūto Girls School (柳都女学館, Ryūto Jogakukan?)


  • Suối Tiên Vườn (スイティエン・ヴオン?) (Vietnam)
  • Heimskringla Trädgård (ヘイムスクリングラトレードゴード?) (Sweden)

